Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Day One: I'm Not Sorry

I meant to start this on the first day of August. I mean to do a lot of things. But I also overextend myself more often than not. The first day of August was during Gen Con. It was also the one and only day I had to spend with my husband before we were divided again by that great sea called Graduate School. So, I opted to spend my time with him wandering around and looking at shiny jewelery and spiffy game stuff all day instead. I'm not asking for forgiveness, mind you, because I'm not really sorry.

That is something I have been working on, you see, not feeling regret or sorrow for times I choose one thing over another. I chose my self and my happiness over stressing out trying to get everything done just to make an imaginary deadline. Screw that. I want to be happy and I want to help those I care about be happy as well. If me missing a deadline means that I get to see one of my husband's epic smiles, I'll do whatever it takes.

So, I'm not sorry that this is late. I'm not sorry that I had a hell of a good time at Gen Con. And I'm not sorry that I bought a dragon-style bracelet that is just too awesome for words.

I am sorry, however, that I am too tired to post more tonight.

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