Saturday, August 8, 2015

Day Four: Grief

On Friday evening a close friend of my husband passed away after a short but intense battle with cancer. I never met the man but I grieve for his passing. He was important to me simply because he was important to my husband. The sense of loss that radiates from my life-mate is undeniable and palpable, tinging everything that he interacts with while his heart breaks over and over again as new memories surface to mingle with the others that have already shone forth.

While I was never blessed to meet the friend in person, I met him through the effect he had on my husband and for the memories he was able to leave behind I am grateful.

Death is a new beginning, a new adventure. I tell myself this whenever I lose someone but there are times, like today, when those words are a cold comfort because I cannot take away or even lessen the suffering of a family I came into only a short time ago.

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