Sunday, November 21, 2010

Food Blog

My food blog can be located at Please 'follow' it on Google Reader or something like that. I will not be placing it on networkedblogs like this site.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Today, as I was stuck sitting in the recliner due to pain and my own stupidity, I decided to find recipes for myself and the DH's menu. I found a plethora of yummy dishes on, and between the two of us conversing through email we were able to make a fair selection of about 6 or 7 recipes. That got me to thinking...Why didn't we eat like this before my surgery? Why did we eat with the mentality of typical gamers? The answer? I'm lazy and ordering hot wings is so much easier than actually cooking. So, I have decided to nip that behavior in the bud and start cooking.

I am going to catalogue my attempts to find good, inexpensive, easy to make foods that gamers and 'normals' alike can enjoy. My first recipe will be on Monday, November 22nd, 2010. I will be making Broiled Tilapia Parmesan. The recipe claims that the prep work will only take 5 minutes, cooking 10, so a total of only 15 minutes. Even the laziest gamer can spare 15 minutes to cook something half-way healthy. This will be a series of recipes and pictures, so I will be spinning it to it's own blog page. (If I can figure out how to do that using blogspot. If not, then I'll just continue to post them here.)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Addicted to Technology?

Bill Nye 'The Science Guy' collapsed at a USC presentation. Instead of coming to his aide, the students in the audience got out their phones and tweeted about it. Last week a man was murdered in New Orleans and people took pictures with their phones and posted them to the internet. Has our addiction to technology overshadowed our compassion finally?

I will fully admit that I am constantly checking my phone for voicemails, emails, Facebook updates, texts...I am addicted to technology. However, when I find out that a person was murdered and instead of helping, people were tweeting about it and posting pictures of the man as he was bleeding to death, that makes me sick. If someone is hurt I will reach for my phone. To call for help. I will not post it on my page or tweet about it until I know the person has been taken care of my the proper authorities.

Am I in the wrong here?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The surgery went well. My doctor told my husband that my gallbladder was full of stones and the group of them was the size of a large gumball or half-dollar coin. I will say it is amazing to not have the constant pain from my gallbladder. I had no idea how much it was bothering me. Now I only have to deal with the sutures and the incisions healing. I will post pictures of the spots once I get enough energy and am clear headed enough to use my camera. :-)

The pain meds are helping me to relax and not worry about anything but I do worry about later this week. I have a job interview on Thursday at a middle school, something that I am very excited about. The school system is a place I have always wanted to work and to get this mid-year job would be a dream come true. I miss being in the classroom.

There is so much that I want to write about, my book characters are keeping me awake at night again. But, alas, I have to deal with my recovery first. As soon as I have been cleared by the doctors to start back to everything again I promise my second book will be started.

Love and Light.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tomorrow is the day.

In just over twelve hours I will be having my surgery. I'm scared but I know that everything will be alright. My doctor has done over 1,000 of these procedures and he assures me that it will go smoothly.

Yesterday I had gaming all day and tried to ignore the pains from my gallbladder as it poked at me all day. I am looking forward to not having this hassle anymore but am not looking forward to the change of diet that is going to come with it.

Several of my friends are sick right now or have kids that are down for the count. This has been a bad weekend for illness and I just hope that everyone recovers soon.

Love and Light.